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Eintr?ge werden geladen
01.10.2011 - 01.10.2014
Prof. Dr.-Ing Ralf T?njes
Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik
395.884 €

To date implementations of Internet of Things architectures are

confined to particular application areas and tailored to meet only the

limited requirements of their narrow applications. The ICT workprogramme

highlights the importance of interoperability between the silo

solutions and different technologies used in these individual sectors.

Sensors/objects that provide information or perform as actuators

implementing actions in the real world are plentiful and the range of

communication technologies, networking protocols, information types and

data formats used to exchange information or control data is vast. To

move beyond technology sector boundaries and therefore to be able to

dynamically design and integrate new types of services and generate new

business opportunities requires means for dynamic service creation that

gathers and exploits data and information from sensors and actuators

that use different communication technologies/formats. To accelerate the

introduction of new services an effective architecture should provide:

1) Orchestration, i.e. composition of business services based on

reusable IoT service components. 2) Self-management capable components

for automated configuration and testing of services for things; 3)

Abstraction of the heterogeneity of underlying technologies to ensure

interoperability. IoT.est will develop a test-driven service creation

environment for Internet of Things enabled business processes. The SCE

will enable the acquisition of data and control/actuation of sensors and

actuators respectively. The project will provide the means and tools to

define and instantiate IoT driven services that exploit data across

domain boundaries and facilitate run-time monitoring which enables

autonomous service adaptation to environment/context and network

parameter (e.g. QoS) changes. The project will prototype its major

concepts and will evaluate the results for exploitation towards future

service creation, deployment and testing products.

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